Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Let the Games Begin

Finally I have decided to begin blogging ... I have had this blog for months and just couldn't bring myself to post anything. Why you ask?
1. I never really understood what blogging was all about. I sell on Etsy and time and time again I was told to drive interest you need a blog. I just didn't understand who would be interested in what I post especially with so many great blogs out there.
2. What should I post on this blog site? I didn't know what I could post that would interest people, while keeping it positive.
3. I do not really have any extra time with family including two young kids, a full time job, my etsy site, making jewelry/art/home decor, trying to get healthy/exercise and sleep.

I finally came to the conclusion that I do not have the answers to any of the questions but not having answers has never stopped me before so ... here goes.

I want this blog to be about things that inspire me ... this will probably range from family, friends, current events, etsy shops, other artists, other blogs, nature, gardening, ... well you get the point. All things inspiring and positive!

Please join me as I discover what blogging is all about, what is an interesting post, and all things inspiring!


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